ESG support

Sustainable business transformation

Setting the stage for a successful ESG integration

Sustainable business transformation

Why sustainable business transformation? 

The biggest challenge we’re facing in the 21st century is that we need to drastically change our lifestyles. We need to be more aligned with our resources to ensure sustainable development. At the individual level, everyone can take different steps to improve their impact. But the problem is much more complex for businesses. With international rules and standards that aren’t always in alignment, unfair competition, unclear and unambitious public policy, a lack of stakeholder knowledge of the issues, there are many obstacles we need to overcome in order to profoundly reshape our business models. How can you take action and become an agent of positive change?

Now, tomorrow’s leaders are taking the initiative, working proactively to design their organization’s future in ways that take full advantage of the opportunities created by this major disruption.

Your transformation journey starts now

You know the saying: it’s about the journey, not the destination. Everyone travels differently, but at Talsom, we’re focused on people. Our support approach needs to be seen as a structured, yet personalized, journey.

We’ve developed tools and creative methods based on design thinking to help you identify and prioritize your needs, build a roadmap, take the first steps in your transformation, keep moving forward and making improvements as needed. Our main objective is to help you take action. Here are some concrete solutions we can implement with you.

Our solutions

ESG training/awareness campaigns

Carbon assessment 

A carbon assessment is often one of the first steps because no matter where you’re travelling to, you need to plan according to your reality. Your carbon assessment will allow you to establish your areas of progress in the finest detail and a list of recommendations. Based on these recommendations, you will naturally need to set objectives and actions to reach them. Talsom’s partner network can help you carry out your carbon assessment and will support you throughout the process.

Note that you can combine the carbon assessment with the product lifecycle analysis or a process for a more targeted result.

B Corp Certification

For companies that want to be involved in a more holistic process and explore all their options to improve their impact (beyond lowering greenhouse gas emissions), B Corp Certification is essential. Over 4,000 organizations across all industries are certified across the world. The certification process is a journey in itself, and requires a significant investment of time and energy that we have gone through twice already. Talsom supports its clients by implementing governance, priorities and action plans to reach certification and to position them for the future.


Talsom’s JEDI pathway supports and empowers organizations that want to undergo sustainable change in the areas of equity, diversity and inclusion.

It sets out the steps and phases required to bring an organizational culture change that will allow you to ensure an equitable, diverse and inclusive workplace. It also provides companies with the tools and methods required to complete this process.

Our approach

We offer a systematic approach based on the five key steps of a successful transition.

ESG issues will dominate the 21st century and they’re already THE major challenge facing humanity. To become a company with a positive impact and create value while making a difference, it’s critical to take action now.
Take the first steps on your sustainable business journey today.

Tristan Oertli
Director fo Human transformation and ESG practice

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